According to official statements in Berlin, a plot against Hitler and his regime by a section of the Storm Troop leaders, with the co-operation of General von Schleicher, the former Chancellor, and involving ╥a foreign Power╙ was crushed with startling suddenness on Saturday.
Warned late on Friday night that the conspiracy was about to break, Hitler, who was in the Rhineland, summoned Goebbels, and together they flew during the early morning to Munich, where Hitler personally arrested Captain Roehm, Chief of Staff of the Storm Troops and head of the conspiracy, and his whole staff. Seven of the rebel Storm Troop leaders were later shot.
In Berlin General Goering, on Hitler╒s orders, was acting with equal rapidity and severity. Von Schleicher was shot and other suspects were also killed ╤ how many is not known.
Von Papen Under Guard
The Vice-Chancellor, Von Papen╤against whom participation in the conspiracy is not alleged, ╤ is under guard but not under arrest. Two of his assistants are reported to have committed suicide.
Hitler is now in Berlin again, and yesterday ten more Storm Troop leaders were executed. Roehm, the ringleader, refusing the option of suicide, was also shot during the day.
Saturday was the day on which the Storm Troops were to have gone on a compulsory month╒s leave, and discontent with this order and doubt about the future reorganisation of the corps are said to have been main factors in the conspiracy. Von Schliecher, one story goes, was to have been Chancellor if the revolt had succeeded.
Yesterday Berlin had its normal Sunday appearance. The previous day for several hours its stations and some of its streets ╤ notably the Tiergarten, where the Storm Troop headquarters are ╤ had been occupied by troops.